Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missionaries & Ministries that we support:
Bruski Family-Romania, Belief in Motion
Jonathan & Mandie Howard- in the process of a church start in the Cincinnati area.
Dallas & Ashley Brown-new church start-up in West Africa
127 Foundation-Indonesia Ministry
The F.I.S.H. Ministry in Monroe GA
Shepherd's Staff Ministry in Loganville GA
Pregnancy Resource Centers of Walton County GA
Christian Learning Centers of Walton County GA
Current Mission Project:
Christmas Backpacks
Suggested items for backpacks:
All zippered backpacks and gifts are to be NEW Items. No Used items please.
For each New Zippered backpack, please include:
· The Christmas Story (will be mailed or delivered to you as needed).
· 2 ribbons to indicate gender and age of recipient. The 2 Ribbons should be tied to the backpack. (SEE KEY BELOW.)
Genders: Blue = Boy. Pink = Girl.
Ages: Age 2-3 = Purple. Age 4-7 = Yellow. Ages 8-10 = Green. Ages 11-14 = Red. Ages 15-17 = White.
EXAMPLE: Girl Age 6
1 pink ribbon, 1 yellow ribbon, both securely tied to the backpack.
Please Pack Backpacks according to the guidelines below:
Always include a copy of the Christmas Story.
Toys (at least one item). Examples: Small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, Kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, Jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, small Etch a Sketch. Small electronic game, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky, Frisbees, card games such as Old maid, Go Fish, Uno, etc.
Hygiene Items (at least 2 items). Examples: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, mild bar soap (boxed & plastic bag), shampoo (securely sealed in a plastic bag), hairbrush, comb, pony tail holders, barrettes, hair clips, washcloths, etc.
Other (at least 2 items). Children’s or Teen Bible, age appropriate Christian books, sunglasses, toy jewelry, Costume jewelry (teens) watches, flashlights (extra batteries)
Food (at least 2 items). Canned food items with pop-tops (nothing which requires a can opener & no plastic containers, Protein bars, hard candy (no chocolate), Mints or gum.
Clothing (at least 2 items. All clothing items must be new with tags/packaging). T-shirts, underwear, socks, warm hats, gloves, scarf, ball cap, fleece pullover, warm outerwear, etc.
School Supplies: School supplies are welcomed but not all sites need school supplies.
Additional items to consider for older kids (11-17)
Girls: Lip gloss, costume Jewelry, scarves, friendship bracelets, craft kits, card games, hand held electronic games, journals, fun socks & slippers, doodle books, Spirograph kit or feminine hygiene supplies
Boys: Legos, card games, hand-held electronic games, flashlights with extra batteries, basketball, soccer ball, football.
Please do not include any items that are perishable or can be easily crushed while in transit. Please no knives.
*OTHER POSSIBILITY: Money DONATION with GOODS PURCHASED BY TEAM AND SHIPPED TO MEET TEAM in Ky.with Mission team packing those backpacks on site on Friday night.
Bruski Family-Romania, Belief in Motion
Jonathan & Mandie Howard- in the process of a church start in the Cincinnati area.
Dallas & Ashley Brown-new church start-up in West Africa
127 Foundation-Indonesia Ministry
The F.I.S.H. Ministry in Monroe GA
Shepherd's Staff Ministry in Loganville GA
Pregnancy Resource Centers of Walton County GA
Christian Learning Centers of Walton County GA
Current Mission Project:
Christmas Backpacks
Suggested items for backpacks:
All zippered backpacks and gifts are to be NEW Items. No Used items please.
For each New Zippered backpack, please include:
· The Christmas Story (will be mailed or delivered to you as needed).
· 2 ribbons to indicate gender and age of recipient. The 2 Ribbons should be tied to the backpack. (SEE KEY BELOW.)
Genders: Blue = Boy. Pink = Girl.
Ages: Age 2-3 = Purple. Age 4-7 = Yellow. Ages 8-10 = Green. Ages 11-14 = Red. Ages 15-17 = White.
EXAMPLE: Girl Age 6
1 pink ribbon, 1 yellow ribbon, both securely tied to the backpack.
Please Pack Backpacks according to the guidelines below:
Always include a copy of the Christmas Story.
Toys (at least one item). Examples: Small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, Kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, Jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, small Etch a Sketch. Small electronic game, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky, Frisbees, card games such as Old maid, Go Fish, Uno, etc.
Hygiene Items (at least 2 items). Examples: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, mild bar soap (boxed & plastic bag), shampoo (securely sealed in a plastic bag), hairbrush, comb, pony tail holders, barrettes, hair clips, washcloths, etc.
Other (at least 2 items). Children’s or Teen Bible, age appropriate Christian books, sunglasses, toy jewelry, Costume jewelry (teens) watches, flashlights (extra batteries)
Food (at least 2 items). Canned food items with pop-tops (nothing which requires a can opener & no plastic containers, Protein bars, hard candy (no chocolate), Mints or gum.
Clothing (at least 2 items. All clothing items must be new with tags/packaging). T-shirts, underwear, socks, warm hats, gloves, scarf, ball cap, fleece pullover, warm outerwear, etc.
School Supplies: School supplies are welcomed but not all sites need school supplies.
Additional items to consider for older kids (11-17)
Girls: Lip gloss, costume Jewelry, scarves, friendship bracelets, craft kits, card games, hand held electronic games, journals, fun socks & slippers, doodle books, Spirograph kit or feminine hygiene supplies
Boys: Legos, card games, hand-held electronic games, flashlights with extra batteries, basketball, soccer ball, football.
Please do not include any items that are perishable or can be easily crushed while in transit. Please no knives.
*OTHER POSSIBILITY: Money DONATION with GOODS PURCHASED BY TEAM AND SHIPPED TO MEET TEAM in Ky.with Mission team packing those backpacks on site on Friday night.